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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Why do We Pray Blog November 2021

We Are Everyone’ Keeper

There is a question that is frequently asked. Am I my brother’s keeper? The answer should emphatically be, yes, I am my brother’s keeper, I am my sister’s keeper, I am everyone’s keeper. Every Monday at 3:00 PM, the TJac Group prays for the safety of educational programs, both physical and virtual. This is one of our most fervent prayers of the day. We want everyone to be safe.

My sister is an educational administrator at a metropolitan high school. One of her responsibilities is to monitor outside the building when students are being released. On this particular day, a student had been sent home early for breaking the school rules. The student and a friend returned when students were released, and a fight ensued. The student who was not fighting brandished a firearm in the midst of approximately 100 students watching the fight. Fortunately, the fight was stopped, students were redirected and sent home, and the gun was not fired. A warrant was released for the student’s arrest.

My sister was in the midst of this chaos, and if the student had made a deadly choice, my sister and other students might have been shot and some fatally injured. At the end of the crisis, my sister called my mother, my daughter, and myself on FaceTime to tell us what had occurred. Needless to say, we were in shock, saddened, and angry. We were more than grateful to God that no one was hurt, but we understood fully the ramifications of what could have been.

At the end of our conversation, I mentioned to my sister that I was so happy that we prayed for safety in educational programs every week. My sister said how grateful she was that God answered our prayers before we even asked him to because, as it turned out, we didn’t pray for 15 minutes until after the situation occurred.

Why do we send you flyers every week about our prayers on behalf of the field of education, you may ask? We pray for you as we pray for our very own sisters, our very own brothers, our very own parents, and our very own children. The safety of you and the children that you serve is important to us. We will continue to pray for you and your safety every Monday at 3:00 PM, and you are welcome to join us whenever your schedule allows. If you are unable to join us feel free to put the name of your school into our prayer request list (link), and we will definitely call out the name of your school when we pray for safety on Mondays.

We are everyone’s keeper, and that is just one of the reasons that we pray throughout the day on Mondays. May God bless and keep you is our prayer.

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