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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Let Us Pray - Please Bless Our Educators

Dear Heavenly Father -

Thank You for this day. We Thank You for Your mercy and Your kindness that gives us each day. We appreciate Your faithfulness that You show us morning by morning. We Thank You for allowing every good and perfect gift to come to us from You.

Father, please forgive us of our sins in thought, word, and deed. Please give us the strength to follow Your Word as we are swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath. Give us the courage to walk in peace with our fellow man. When we do not understand, grant us the humbleness to ask for clarification and not jump to conclusions.

Lord, we Thank You for our educators and the service they have provided this year. We are grateful for our educators' impact on students and their families. We pray that students will embrace positive conversations and lessons throughout their lives as they strengthen others by sharing what they know. We pray that you empower our educators so they will become more vital educators for the next group of students assigned to them next school year. For educators retiring at the end of this school year, please bless them abundantly for their service over the years.

Thank You for hearing our petitions. It is in the Name of Jesus that we pray, and for His sake,


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