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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Let Us Pray - Bless our Summer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for being the Head of our lives. Thank You for giving us direction as we go through life daily. Thank You for being a buffer for us as we stumble on our journey. Most of all, Thank You for loving us despite our imperfections and personal challenges.

Father, please forgive us of our sins in thought, word, and deed. Help us think of others as You see them, not as if they are beneath us. Allow us to view our students as future success stories. Please forgive us for any negative thoughts we have processed about students who are not what we want them to be today. Please forgive us for the times when we have given in to the temptation to say something harmful to our students out of anger or frustration. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us so that our actions will not cause irrefutable harm to the students we have committed to serving. Please speak to our hearts and remind us that our actions should be an example to our children on how they should carry themselves.

Father, as parents make decisions for their children's summer break, please clarify their path. We ask that You lead parents to the perfect summer programs for their children. Allow family members to allow visitations with their young loved ones. Allow parents and children to create unforgettable memories because they choose to spend quality time with each other. Thank you for hearing our prayer. It is in the Precious Name of Jesus that we pray, and for His sake,


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