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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Thank you, Dr. King!

What do we teach our children about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? Do we fully explain the concept of nonviolence as an act of civil disobedience? Or…do we speak about what a great person this Civil Rights icon was and enjoy our federal holiday?

It is our responsibility as educators and parents to empower our children with the gift of conflict resolution and the ability to work out our differences without violence and confusion. These gifts must be taught. Dr. King did not simply make up these concepts. He studied and researched what worked for Jesus Christ and Mahatma Gandhi. If you want to teach your children the truth and empower them with the strength to do what is right because it is right, you must take the time to educate yourself. Read books and articles. Listen to speeches. Practice what you have learned. Share with others so that they may also empower their children.

As educators, we are able to teach tolerance to our children. We have to overpower hate taught to our children outside of our classrooms. Take a chance and ignite a light within your children that will shine through any form of darkness that they encounter. Start with teaching your children the art of forgiveness. Life is not about getting back at others to demonstrate your strength. A truly strong person is able to forgive others as God forgives us.

How can you teach your children to forgive?

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