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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Prayer for School Superintendents

Dear Heavenly Father -

We thank You for this day. We thank You for touching us with Your hand of mercy so we may participate in Your plan for today. We are looking forward to unconditionally serving others today.

Lord, we ask that you would forgive us of our sins in thoughts, words, and deeds. Please wipe our slate clean and allow us to do what is right. We ask that You increase our portion of courage, which will enable us to do what is right when it would be easier to do what is wrong.

Father, we lift our school superintendents to you today. We ask that you greatly bless them and bathe all their decisions in Your wisdom. We pray for their discernment concerning decisions and those who surround them. If anything is unlike You weighing on our superintendents, please expose it and allow it to be removed in the Name of Jesus. Lord, we pray for innovative ideas for our superintendents. We pray that their ideas will be so awesome that they will change the life and direction of the students they serve. We thank You for our superintendents and pray for peace-filled school years for each of them.

As always, we lift our students to you. We pray for a great first day, an invigorating continuation for others, and a fun, safe break for those who remain. We pray for significant decisions as our students choose between right and wrong. Please allow our students to absorb new information as they apply it to what they already know.

Father, this is the day that You have made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. All of these things we ask in Jesus' and for His sake. Amen

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