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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Prayer for Safety

Dear Heavenly Father -

Thank You for allowing us to see another week. We thank You for Your love, grace, and kindness that you give to us each day. Thank You, Lord, for Your compassion and new mercies that You grant us morning by morning. We thank You for allowing us to serve in Your kingdom as Educators. Thank you for allowing us to have an impact on our students. It is a privilege to serve you in this manner.

Lord, we acknowledge that there are times when we fall short of Your will in our thoughts, words, and deeds. For the times when we sin against You, we ask that you would please forgive us. We ask that You give us the courage to do what is right even when doing wrong is more convenient and easier for us. We want more than anything to please You and follow Your Word.

Father, we come lifting our educational programs to You. We ask that You allow safety to prevail in our physical and virtual programs. We request that students and educators focus on keeping peace in programs, and when they see something, they say something. Empower parents to interfere in their children's lives when they feel that they are moving in a violent direction. Be with siblings so they do not hold secrets that may cost others their lives. Strengthen friends to lead their friends in the right direction or to seek help when needed. We ask that you block explosives from detonating, jam all guns, dull all knives, keep fists in pockets, and prevent lying and trouble-making tongues from causing confusion.

We trust You, Lord, to transform violent environments into environments of peace and tranquility. Thank You for hearing our prayer. It is in the name of Jesus that we pray, and for His Sake,


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