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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Prayer for Principals

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for guiding us through the beginning of the school year. We pray that we have made decisions that have honored You over the past several weeks. We ask for forgiveness if we have done anything sinful in thought, word, or deed. Please give us the courage to do what is right in public and private.

Lord, we are lifting our principals to You today. We thank You for those principals who have committed their calling to You. Please cover them in Your care. Instill in them the wisdom to make decisions that bring You honor. As our principals interact with students, allow them to carry themselves as role models. While leading teams in their schools, please empower our principals to walk with integrity. Please instill Your creativity in principals as they serve as community builders.

We ask that you protect our principals' immediate and extended family members from any hurt, harm, or danger. Please keep their bodies in good health and allow them to make sound decisions so our principals can effectively complete their daily duties. Instill in our principals the wherewithal to take care of their bodies so they will have a healthy school year.

As our principals go throughout this week, allow innovative thoughts and ideas to be birthed and implemented during the school year. Allow their students to watch them and remember what they have learned from their principals throughout their lifespans. Finally, we pray for the salvation of all principals. Please open all hearts to receive You as their Savior even today. Give them the peace that comes with knowing and loving You.

Thank You for hearing and responding to our prayer today. It is in the name of Jesus that we pray, and for His Sake,


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