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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Prayer for Parents

Dear Heavenly Father -

We Thank You for allowing us to see this beautiful day that You have made. As the Psalmist declared, we will rejoice and be glad in it. We thank you for allowing us to participate in Your plan for the earth on this day. We will do our best to please You.

Father, we know that there are more times than we wish to think about when we drop the ball and sin against You. So please forgive us and allow us to have the courage to change our ways and be living examples of Your love and kindness. Help us not to give in to fleeting thoughts that become unkind words and develop into foul deeds.

On this day, we want to lift up parents and guardians to You, Dear Lord. We pray for their strength to guide their children in the right direction. Please meet all their needs during these trying times so that their bills will be paid on time and healthy meals will not be sacrificed for medication or rent.

We lift those parents who are separated from their children through the military or other means. Please give them the necessary tools to strengthen or reestablish relationships with their children so our students will thrive and succeed in school. Allow parents to demonstrate the uniqueness of a parent's love that has the power to change a student's heart.

We pray for those parents who do not know You in the pardon of their sins. We ask that You touch their hearts so they will experience life eternal with You.

We love You, Lord, and thank You for hearing our prayer. We commit this week to You in the name of Jesus the Christ, and for His sake,


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