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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Prayer for Hurricane Ian Areas

Dear Heavenly Father -

Thank you for allowing us to see another week. It is an honor to be used by you to make a difference in the lives of others. Thank you for the change of seasons; they remind us that nothing comes to stay, but it all comes to pass. Thank you for allowing us to see Your Hand of mercy in our lives. You have been so good to us, and we humbly Thank You for guiding and directing our paths.

Father, we want to take time today to pray for those impacted by Hurricane Ian. We pray that you will have mercy on all, from those who had loss of utilities to loss of life among loved ones. Please restore material items that the storm demolished. Allow their applications for assistance to be completed without the frustration of red tape. We ask that you grant peace to those affected by the storm and spare them from experiencing PTSD now or in the future. Finally, please spare us from any other forming storms. Allow them to go out to sea and not make landfall throughout the remainder of this season.

Let us have a peace-filled week so we may enjoy the honor of educating our students. We thank you for all that make this field of education work well. We dedicate this week to You and ask that You use us for Your glory. It is in the name of Jesus that we submit this prayer, and for His Sake,


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