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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

National Pineapple Day

TODAY IS NATIONAL PINEAPPLE DAY and we are screaming it from the rooftop! Seriously, we have been talking about Pineapple Day for months. We even put together a plan to have you join us in Celebrating National Pineapple Day. Do you suddenly have a taste for that sweet tropical fruit as you are reading the beginning of this post…I understand…I think I will enjoy peeling, coring and wait for it…eating some fresh pineapple today.

Have you noticed the protective shell that covers the juicy deliciousness on the pineapple. By just looking at the fruit from afar it looks like it would be uncomfortable to touch the fruit without getting close to it, however, the closer you get the less intimidating the pineapple appears. If you touch the leafy top or spike-like exterior, you will not cut your finger. If you take the time to get close enough to the pineapple to smell it, you will be invited to want to know what is inside of this sweet aroma. Cutting a pineapple is not difficult. Slice off the top and the bottom of the pineapple, follow this by cutting long strips from top to bottom. Slice the fruit in even pieces and remove the core (center) of each slice).

There are times when educators resemble the pineapple. Sweet and delicious on the inside, yet the outward appearance keeps people from approaching us for fear that they may get injured or walk away with hurt feelings. Take a chance on letting people get to know the real you. You are sweet, you are lovable, you are one of a kind. We invite you to take a chance today on allowing what is on the inside to also be viewed on the outside. Allow people to get close enough to you to smell your delicious aroma and love for people.  

In celebration of National Pineapple Day, we want to celebrate YOU in all of your Deliciousness! Respond to this Post, hare about your sweetness and we will share a special gift from our Training Program with you! Let’s Celebrate National Pineapple Day together!

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