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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Make Your Dreams Come True Day (01/13/2019)

Scriptural Focus: Isaiah 6:1 - 8

January 13th is Make Your Dreams Come True Day. For thirteen days, we have listened to and possibly even made our own resolutions about how we will do things differently from how we have done them in the past. We promise ourselves that this will be the year that we will make great things happen in our lives. This is it…blah, blah, blah. Great things will happen when you move fear to the side and go for your dreams.

As a Christian, I have always approached my dreams with prayer because my dreams are always so much larger than my ability to produce. I ask God to direct me and to move me away from anything that will not bring Him Glory. What were you born to do? How will this world be different because you woke up this morning? When will you stop thinking about your dream and begin living your dream? Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that there are people’s dreams who may be delayed because you were frozen with fear and you did not step out out faith to bring your dream to life?

When Making Your Dreams Come True, spend time being quiet. Try not to talk so much asking everyone what they think about your dreams. Chances are that the same people you are asking are those individuals who are not living their dreams and will attempt to talk you out of living your dreams. Study, study, study. Learn as much as you can about your dream. Finally, be committed to the Call on your life. Make great things happen by believing in yourself! Allow this to be the last January 13th that you will think about your dream…Make Your Dreams Come True TODAY!

Tracy V. McGee, The TJac Group

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Usha Bhattacharyya
Usha Bhattacharyya
Jan 15, 2019

"Make great things happen by believing in yourself! " believing in ourself is very important as it helps us to grow as an individual. We all have our own challenges and stories to tell, but if we don't believe in our true potential it is hard to make great things happen.

"Make Your Dreams Come True Day" is much needed as it reminds us of our dreams and purpose for this life.

Thank you for this great post.


Jan 14, 2019

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS MESSAGE! It is very relatable to me! This blog spoke to me in so many ways! Can’t wait to read more from this blog! AMAZING!

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