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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Let Us Pray - Praying for our Students

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the blessing of another week. Thank You for keeping us in the palm of Your Hand. We appreciate the trust You have placed in us to be educators of others. Thank You for making us peculiar people who do their best not to seek the counsel of the ungodly. Our loyalty is to You, O God, and You alone.

We realize that there are times when we move outside of Your will. We come asking Your forgiveness of our sins. Please give us the courage to continue to seek Your counsel throughout the week.

Today, Lord, we pray for our students who have lost a parent. Allow us to be sensitive to their needs. Father, we ask that You fill the void in their lives with Your love, peace, joy, and understanding. Allow our students to rest well at night and consume nutritious meals during the day. Allow us, as their educators, to be available to our students when they need us. Please allow us to pray for them when we are not around them as they go through this challenging season.

Finally, please give us the courage this week not to stand in the path of sinners. Allow us to be mindful of the company we keep. Please continue to teach us Your ways, Oh Lord, so that we may experience Your joy and peace in our own lives. We ask all of these things in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and for His sake,


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