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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Let Us Pray - Be Blessed

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for allowing us to see another day. Thank You for a reasonable portion of life, health, and strength. Thank You for trusting us to make an IMPACT on the lives of those we have committed to serving. Thank You for being our example of love and how to share that love with others.

Father, we ask that You please forgive us of our sins in thought, word, and deed. Our goal is to become stronger educators, which means that we must be careful about how we speak and react to our students. Please forgive us for when we talked sharply or sarcastically to our students. Please forgive us for not keeping our word to our students. Most of all, please forgive us for having a dislike in our hearts for any of our students. We ask that You teach us how to replace dislike with compassion and love as You do with us, Your children.

Father, in the opening of the Psalms, You give us guidelines on how to live a blessed life. We invoke your Blessing in our lives and are willing to make the required sacrifices. As we go through our day-to-day lives, we commit to follow Your ways, counsel, and advice, not those of the wicked and the ungodly. To do this effectively, we as for the courage to do what is right in Your eyes even when we find that doing wrong is easier and feels better momentarily. We will be eternally grateful if You will help us with this one step throughout this week.

We love You, Lord, and commit our lives fully to You. Thank You for blessing us. It is in the Name of Jesus that we pray this prayer, and for His Sake,


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