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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Let Us Pray - 6:50 Prayer

“The LORD bless you and keep you;

The LORD make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you peace.”’

Numbers 6:24-26

It has been and continues to be the greatest honor of our organization to pray for the field of education. We begin each week with prayer throughout the day for various aspects of education. Our goal on Mondays is to cover every aspect of educational programs in order for students to take advantage of every learning experience presented by their teachers. Our prayers begin at 6:00 am (prayer over our day), 9:00 am (educational administrators), 12:00 pm (classroom educators), 3:00 pm (safety), 6:00 pm (children), and 9:00 pm (parents). Our prayer line opens five minutes before the scheduled times and we are together until approximately five minutes pass the hour. Feel free to join us every Monday.

Each month commences with the Day 1 prayer at 12:00 Noon. We come together during this prayer to commit our month to the Lord. This prayer time gives us a chance to become refocused on our responsibilities as educators and strengthens us as we strive to make a positive impact on those we serve. Set your calendar to meet us as we go to God in prayer on Day 1 of every month.

On October 2nd, we began our 6:50 prayer! What an awesome experience to begin and end our day in the presence of the Lord by coming together in corporate prayer. This prayer is not only for educators. Feel free to invite students and family members as these prayers take place outside of the official school day. If your church has a passion for education, we invite your ministry to join us. Community members who have a passion for seeing God continue to move in the education of our children and young people are also welcome to join us. As always, if you are not able to call in, stop what you are doing and join us by praying right where you are because we know that God will respond to our requests.

Be Blessed!

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