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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Let Us Pray - 01/09/2023

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for allowing us to come into Your presence to express our love to You. You have been so kind and merciful to us, and we want You to know how much we appreciate You. The start of 2023 has been challenging for some. Knowing You are holding us in the palm of Your Hand is getting us through. Thank You for teaching us how to love others by the way you love us.

More often than we wish, we find ourselves dropping the ball and disappointing You. We ask that You please forgive us of our sins in thought, word, and deed. We ask Your forgiveness for sins we have unknowingly committed and for things, we have purposefully done to others and ourselves. Please allow us to have the courage to do what is right, even when doing right is hard. We desire to please You and be Your examples here on earth.

Father, we lift the bereaved families that we serve. For some of our families, 2023 has been challenging. Allow us to be Your hands, feet, heart, voice, and love as we show compassion to our children, families, and co-workers during bereavement. Let us show Your patience when we don't understand the words or behaviors of those in pain.

We ask that You heal Abigail Zwerner as she recovers from a classroom shooting. Comfort the school body and families, touch the six-year-old that committed this heinous act, and calm all hate and bitterness as peace permeates the Newport News community. Please keep our educational programs safe throughout the remainder of the school year.

We lift this prayer to You in the name of Jesus and for His sake,


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