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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Jesus Loves You!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, we Thank You for this week, this day, this hour, and even this second that You have given us to tell You how much we Love You! Thank You for Your goodness, kindness, and mercy that You share with us daily. Thank You for being so easy to love.

Father, we ask You to forgive us of our sins in thought, word, and deed. Please forgive us for sins we committed intentionally and when we did not know we were sinning. Grant us the courage to think before we act and the mindfulness to ask for forgiveness whenever we sin. We love You, Lord and our goal is to make You proud of us, Your children.

Father, sometimes it is easier to walk as a Christian than to speak life to others by saying "Jesus Loves You" to them. Please increase our boldness in You this week and allow us to tell at least one person that "Jesus Loves You" even if that person is a stranger to us. In Psalm 1, David gives us a visualization of how You view the ungodly. We desire that everyone would be able to experience Your love. We want people to experience You rather than being ungodly and driven to and fro like chaff or a worthless thing, as David describes the ungodly. We pray that letting one person know that Jesus Loves them will change their mind about You. Accepting You as their Savior will allow them to stand in judgment and the congregation of the righteous. As we tell one person that You love them, we pray that You alone are glorified, and Your kingdom increased.

We love You, Lord, and we pray this prayer in Jesus' Name and for His sake,


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