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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Happy Valentine's Day!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son. That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Happy Valentine's Day!!! Today is all about love! So, allow us to begin by saying that we love you. That is what motivates us to do what we do in the field of Education.

It is our honor to also remind you that God loves you. God's love for you and I is so deep that He sent His only Son to Earth to die for sins He never committed and raise from the grave and ascend into Heaven with all power in His hands. The Power of God's Love is so intense that when we believe in God's only Son, we are able to share in that love that gives us the Power to change this world for the better. This Power is demonstrated through the thoughts that we have for presenting our knowledge and gifts in an innovative manner that is helpful to all of our students. This Power is heard by those we serve when we speak a kind word or share encouraging and motivating musings. The Power of God's Love is exhibited when we live our lives in such an authentic manner that people want to know what is so different about us, only to find out that what we have may also be shared with them.

On this Valentine's Day that is dedicated to Love, remember to Love God First, enjoy loving the gift that God shared with this world called you, and then loving others authentically will not be difficult! God Loves You and so does The TJac Group! Be Blessed!!

Feel free to share your experience with God's Love in your life.

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