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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Day 1 Prayer - September 2022

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You so much for blessing us to see another month. It is a privilege to use our lives to fulfill Your plan for the earth. This is Day 1! On Day 1, we thank You for the students You have placed in our care. Yes, this is Day 1, and we dedicate September 2022 to You!

Lord, we ask that You forgive us of our sins. Our sinful thoughts, words, and deeds. We stand before You repentant and desire to do what pleases You and brings You honor, Dear God. We ask that You share a portion of Your courage with us so that we will have the strength to do what is right even when we want to do what is wrong. Allow us to be the example that brings You joy.

Father, on Day 1, we specifically lift those who are sad or depressed. We pray that You would replace thoughts of sadness with thoughts of joy and thoughts and periods of depression with laughter and peace. Father, we sincer4ely ask that You would remove all thoughts of self-harm and suicide and replace them with opportunities of purpose and vision. We pray this request for adults and children. We ask You to make a way out of no way and for people to know they have been touched by You when they come through the storm.

We are excited about the month of September. We look forward to the change of season in the weather and in our lives. Father, we pray that You would draw thaose who don't know You into the Body of Christ. Please save, set free, and deliver the lost and let them experience Your salvation. We thank You for hearing and responding to our prayer. It is in the Name of Jesus and for His sake that we pray this prayer,


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