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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Day 1 Prayer 2023

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You, Lord, for allowing us to see another year. We Thank You for Your faithfulness to us. We are humbled that You are trusting us with another year to serve as Your hands, feet, heart, and love here on Earth. We consider it an honor and a privilege to be used by You, O God.

As we enter this New Year, we pray that You will forgive us of our sins in thought, word, and deed. Please cover our covert and overt wrongdoings. Please give us the courage to do what is right whenever we are presented with a choice between right and wrong. We desire to demonstrate the Light of Christ in this dark world.

During 2023, we pray for a better "Me" to effectively fulfill Your will for our lives. When others treat us wrong, please give us the strength to treat them right. When people set traps for us, please give us the knowledge to identify the trap and to cover it so that no one else becomes harmed, even the trap setter. If someone speaks hate to us, allow us to stand boldly and declare that Jesus Loves them.

Please allow 2023 to be the most significant year of our walk with You. Help us to focus on spending personal time with You. Allow us to include Scripture reading into our daily schedule. Prompt our hearts to set up specific times each day to pray with You. Most of all, give us the Holy Boldness to tell at least one person each day that Jesus Loves You!

We love You, dear God, and we dedicate our 2023 to You. It is in the Name of Jesus that we pray, and for His Sake,


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