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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

A Prayer for Students

Dear Heavenly Father -

We Thank You for this day. We Thank You for Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy. Lord, we Thank You that You have called us to be educators and to make a difference in the world. We Thank You that you have imparted a portion of Your wisdom into us so that we may share it with others. But, most of all, we Thank You for allowing us to participate in Your plan for the earth on this day.

Father, we understand that sometimes we cannot get life right. There are some moments when we make a mess of things. We ask Dear Lord for forgiveness for our sinful thoughts, words, and deeds. We ask for an opportunity to do what is correct as we attempt to please You. Please grant us the courage to do what is right even though doing what is wrong would be more convenient.

Today, we pray especially for our students. We pray for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, elementary, middle school, high school, and college/university students. We ask that you have mercy on our students spiritually, emotionally, physically, and cognitively. Have mercy upon them as they make decisions and as decisions are made on their behalf. Give our students peace in their homes and outside of their homes. Please keep them safe from those who seek to do them harm. Allow our students to be leaders, not followers of those seeking to do wrong. As their educators, allow us to be compassionate and empathetic to their challenges. Finally, we request that you meet all their needs and not let them go hungry or without health care.

We thank you for hearing our prayer and taking care of our children. It is in the Name of Jesus that we submit this prayer and for His Sake


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