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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

A Better Me in '23 Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father -

Thank You for this day. Thank You for Your love, kindness, grace, and mercy. We Thank You for today's new mercies that will draw us closer to You. It is in You that we live, move, and have our very being. It is our goal today to live in a way that pleases You!

Father, we ask that You please forgive us of our sins in thought, word, and deed. Forgive us for the things that we did and were unaware of and for those willful sins that we have committed. We ask for the courage to do what is right before You and toward others. Allow us to work hard to be Your representatives of kindness here on earth.

As we conclude 2022, please walk with us as we examine ourselves to be stronger and more faithful in the coming years. Allow us to be honest with ourselves during our self-assessment and be willing to get rid of anything that is not like You. This includes things we have allowed to become habits, how we treat others and ourselves, distractions that lead to procrastination, and most of all, the ways that we have disappointed You. We want to be A Better Me in '23, but we can only do it with Your help and guidance.

As we observe COVID-19, Flu, and RSV incidents continue to rise, we pray for Your mercy. Give the medical and science communities the knowledge that will allow people to fully heal and be spared from death. We ask that You grant wisdom to people to return to behaviors that recently reduced our numbers so that we do not return from the holiday break with a significant loss of children and adults.

We love You, Lord. We appreciate You keeping us in Your care throughout this year. It is in the Name of Jesus that we pray, and for His sake,


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