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  • Writer's pictureTracy McGee

Back-to-School Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father -

We come to You today to Thank You for how good You have been to us. We Thank You for our life, health, and strength. We Thank You for allowing us to venture into another school year. We Thank You for giving scientists the key to controlling the coronavirus so that many administrators, faculty, staff, and children can attend school buildings to attend classes.

Father, please forgive us of our sins - our thoughts, words, and deeds. Please give us the courage to do what is correct at all times, even when it would be easier to do wrong.

We ask that You bless all administrators as we launch into this new school year. Holy Spirit, please guide our administrators in making decisions and addressing challenges. Please protect our administrators spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Give them peace that will surpass their very understanding.

Lord, we ask that You be with our teachers. Please give them an excitement that will produce the best school year of their careers. We ask that you give them innovative ideas that will change the life and direction of the students they serve. Please protect our teachers from all infectious diseases and remind them to care for themselves always.

Finally, Lord, we ask that You would bless our students - both children and adults. We ask that You remove all anxiety and nervousness. Father, please give our students the courage to do what is right even when it is not popular. Allow our children to have peace in their classrooms so that learning will occur and our students will thrive. Please allow peace to reign in our students' homes so they can function well in school. Allow this school year to be the best year of our student's lives.

As we end this prayer, Lord, we pray for safety for everyone as they travel to school, during the school day, and back home. We plead for mercy and that you keep us from all hurt, harm, or danger. Please stay the enemy's hand from causing confusion in our lives.

We truly Thank You for allowing us to approach You with our requests. It is in the Name of Jesus that we pray, and for His sake,


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